Managed IT Services and Support

Imagine having the same service as an in-house I.T. specialist at a fraction of the cost!

Call Wrighton Computer Services on 1300 309 200

Managed IT Services lets you run your business!

Wrighton Computer Services has a range of preventative maintenance and support plans that can suit any type and size of business. If you have had enough of the complaints from your staff about slow systems or things just not working, we have a solution for you.

For a fixed monthly fee, we can maintain your systems, fix the errors and ensure that you have sufficient protection from viruses and other threats.

What is Managed IT Services?

Managed IT Services is a bit like an insurance policy for your I.T. infrastructure and related systems. It keeps your business running and on track with minimal downtime. By proactively maintaining, monitoring and supporting your systems, it allows you and your staff to concentrate on running your business, rather than wasting valuable time dealing with system issues.

Why do I need it?

Failed systems can not only be costly to repair, but also incur other costs in your business with downtime for staff and potential lost customers. Proactive Assurance allows you to concentrate on your running your business, with the peace of mind that your systems will be available to support you and are always up-to-date.

Your own personalised I.T. Helpdesk

One of the major benefits of our Proactive Assurance packages is that we are familiar with your systems and layout and can offer timely responses to issues either over the phone, remotely or on-site – It’s like having your own I.T. department!

Have a question? Something on your screen not looking right? Or maybe you just need a new printer installed or computer setup for the new guy in sales? All of these things can be included under a Proactive Assurance package.