Why it is important to keep your anti-virus up to date?
Wrighton Computer Services – Helping protect your computer.
For many, they are satisfied and confident with the mere fact that they have an anti-virus that is installed in their computers and gadgets. Is it really so wrong not to regularly check and/or update the anti-virus? If the latest virus definition is not obtained, does this pose threat on your computer?
Getting the latest virus definition is the responsibility of every computer user, just like you. That is, if you want to skip the inconvenience and potential security theft that can be caused by malware, virus and other threats – it must be up-to-date.
Unfortunately, there are always new types of virus, malware and other threats which could do all sorts of damage to your computer and all the files in it. Yes, it is annoying that these continue to evolve but it is a fact of life. Truth is, leaving your anti-virus software outdated would mean that it is not prepared to combat the new threats that were recently created and identified.
There are various ways on how the anti-virus can be updated and each product works slightly differently. When in doubt, refer to the software vendor’s instructions and help.
First, obtain the additional information which comes from the software vendor. Usually, when the anti-virus software is being installed, you would be asked whether you want to get regular updates. Most anti-virus software packages have this enabled by default, however it is best to check that this is the case so your computer can access the latest updates automatically. You may also have the ability to adjust the frequency of the updates by accessing the settings of the software after it has been installed.
Second, an anti-virus upgrade could mean getting patches or a full upgrade. For example, there are some software companies which offer free trials. These would also provide protection for the computer but the coverage is limited. Upgrades could mean opting for the higher version of the software which has a more extensive protection against a myriad of possible threats. An upgrade could also relate to the scan engine being updated on the current software to allow detection of the latest threat behavior.
Third, anti-virus renewal could also mean upgrading. Whether you are using free software or one that entails annual payment, both of these could also expire. The renewal process may just entail the processing of the renewal fee, in which case the software licence is upgraded; or it may require re-installing the software and providing the necessary registration information. After this process is done, your computer is back to being protected again. It is best not to wait for the last day of expiration before renewing the software so there can be no window of opportunity for your computer to be infected by a threat.
It has to be noted that virus definition is not just important in protecting you against threats which could come from unreliable websites, infected files, downloaded data and others. The latest anti-virus software these days are also designed to prevent hackers from intruding the network and accessing confidential files, whether in the network server or the computers. It is indeed a sad thing that hackers are becoming more and more creative when it comes to fulfilling their undesirable goal, but this is the truth. Hence, it is important to have an impenetrable defense against hackers too. This is necessary not just for businesses and government offices but also for individuals like you who go online for banking, shopping and other online activities which involve use of personal and financial details.
If you have any questions concerning your anti-virus, speak to your IT specialist or contact Wrighton Computer Services, we’re here to help.